TOMATO Simonの創造

・The creation of Simon is beautiful all the time!サイモンのイマジネーションはいつだって最高!そして美しい。——-#Repost @simontayl0r with @get_repost・・・New promo for the classic Iggy Pop track “The Passenger”. Many thanks Paul McAlpine @paulmcalpinerr and Esther Friedman #estherfriedman for sharing the excellent photography. Big thanks for pulling things together @theceobunker_mcgroggan and @aniaceo #iggypop #thepassenger

The creation of Simon is beautiful all the time!



 Simon Taylor.

#Repost @simontayl0r


New promo for the classic Iggy Pop track “The Passenger”. Many thanks Paul McAlpine @paulmcalpinerr and Esther Friedman #estherfriedman for sharing the excellent photography. Big thanks for pulling things together @theceobunker_mcgroggan and @aniaceo

instagram ⇨

#iggypop #thepassenger #tomato #Simon #IggyPop #SimonTaylor